Pressure seal mailers
Pressure seal mailers are a one part laser form enabling a quick and efficient option to print and mail stationery across many applications including payroll.
Applications include: Payslips, Statements / Remittance Advices, Registration Forms, Membership Renewals, P60s, Letters.
Pressure seal mailers are excellent for the above types of applications due to their tamper proof design. As pressure seal forms are glued on all four sides, it is very obvious if anyone has tried to open it up.
Inkjet and laser compatible
A4 pressure seal forms have a special cohesive strip around the edges that is only activated by processing them through the folding machine. The pressure seal mailers are compatible with both inkjet and laser printers for printing. The forms are personalised in the printer and are then folded and sealed using the pressure seal machine and simply put straight into the post without the need for envelopes

Pressure seal combines a simple A4 sheet with a folding / sealing machine.
The move to laser technology over the last few years has prompted many companies to reconsider the manner in which they process their confidential documentation for example pay advices.
Orders & Enquiries
For a quotation, simply let us know how many you would like to order, print colours and whether you will be supplying artwork or would like us to do it for you. Once your order has been placed and we have artwork approval, your pressure seal mailers will be delivered to you in approximately 10 working days depending on the complexity of the job and quantity ordered.
Please get in touch by emailing us at, or fill in our enquiry form. Alternatively, you can call us directly on 0115 949 1880. FREE samples are available on request for testing.